Summer Reading List

I'm very excited that I have started reading more this summer!  When I was younger, I would get sucked in to a book or series and not be social until I was done.  I think the main reason I've started reading more is because I started doing Kindle First for Amazon Prime Members.  Basically you get to choose one book out of six options every month to read before it's released for free.

Some of the books below are on my list because I started a new job this spring, others are there for fun reading.

#1  Boss Bitch by Nicole Lapin

Buy Boss Bitch on Amazon.
Nicole Lapin is hilarious to read (if you are okay with cursing) and her ideas and suggestions are great and educational.

#2  Game of Thrones Series by George R. R. Martin

Buy Game of Thrones Series on Amazon.
Season 7 comes out in just about a week and we are super excited - my brother is posting GoT memes constantly.

#3  How to Be Everything:  A Guide for Those Who (Still) Don't Know What They Want to Be When They Grow Up by Emilie Wapnick

Buy How to Be Everything on Amazon.
Wow, that's a long title.  I found out about this book from an article I read on LinkedIn from TEDtalks and I liked it so much and felt like it described me.

#4  The Hundredth Queen by Emily R. King

Buy The Hundredth Queen on Amazon.
I've actually already read this one but the second one (Fire Queen) is coming out at the end of September and I can't wait.  This one was so good with exciting twists and turns.  This was a free book from Kindle First.

#5  Secondborn by Amy A. Bartol

Buy Secondborn on Amazon.
This book is another free one from Kindle First.  It's dystopian fiction which I've figured out I like a lot.

What books are on your summer reading list?


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